Its that time of the year ladies and gents. No, its not Christmas. Nor is it my birthday. Instead, it is the biggest celebration of what I feel is THE best artistic form in the world - The Academy Awards. Even just saying those 3 little words makes one feel all gooey and gorgeous inside.
Every year I look forward to this particular award ceremony. Yes, I know there are the Golden Globes, and the Emmy's, but it is something particular about celebrating cinema, in giving it the stage for just one small night, that make me really appreciate my medium. Not only that, but I really feel it sets the tone for where the industry chooses to take itself for the rest of the year. Consider last year's achievements with The Kings Speech and look at how many amazing biopics were released last year - My Week With Marilyn, The Iron Lady, J.Edgar... the list goes on. This year is no different BUT with so many interesting nominees what direction cinema will take itself this year is anyone's guess.
It is about this time I need to mention the announcement I posted to my followers earlier today on Twitter. Each year, I make a vow to try and watch every single nominee that is selected for Best Picture. I used to think this was a feat in itself when the number was 6. When they raised it to 10, I honestly thought I didn't have a chance in hell. Last year, I managed to see just one of the films nominated (True Grit). The year before that I managed four (Up, Avatar, Inglorious Bastards, and District 9) This year thankfully, there are only 9. How hard could it be, you say? Well, let me spell it out for you.
Of this year's nominee list (full list below), I have managed to see just ONE film - The Help - which I didn't pay too much attention too because I honestly did not think it was going to be so well received (the fact I didn't find it THAT good a movie also had something to do with it). Anyway, so I've seen 1 film. That's 146 minutes of my time. I HAVE 10 MORE LIKE THAT TO GO. So based on the law of averages (I have no idea what that actually means but it sounds fun), my mathematical equation for this particular discussion goes something like this:
146 minutes x 9 = 1314 minutes = 21.9... hours
So basically I need a full day dedicated to watching all 9 of these films. Not a problem you say. Get your laptop, the DVD's, enough food and water for a day and don't move. Easier said than done. For one, The Artist and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close have not even reached Australian shores. And I know its almost blasphemous of me to say this but Moneyball, Midnight In Paris, War Horse, The Descendants, and Hugo are still in the cinemas and, well, I'm a little too poor right not to be forking out $18/movie. So for now that leaves me with The Tree of Life, a movie which I have to admit, has been on my radar for a while but, as with everything in life, my priorities got the better of me.
So here's the plan. I have 33 days to watch all 9 movies. I need 21.9 hours to do them. On average, based on the small income I earn per week, I can probably average 3 movies a week from now until the big day. As per usual, I shall be keeping you all updated with my various reviews which I promise, will try to be as unpersuasive as possible. You may be confused over my passion for this but my best response is, don't ask me why but rather, why not?