I've been terrible at keeping up with this for too long now so I just decided to get straight back into it with no more apologies but lots of exciting things to keep you entertained.
This week, I wanted to give you an idea of which TV shows were currently keeping me occupied/sane in my busy hectic life. Some are local; some are international; some are good; and some are so bad it hurts but you just can't stop watching them. Tell me if you agree with what's featured below.
My love affair with LAO:SVU has spanned a good decade now but I have to admit that it has not always been constant. With the intermittent broadcasts of each season on Channel Ten at different times/days/dates etc I've found it hard to keep up with the latest season. However, when I found out Det. Elliot Stabler had left this "elite squad" for good, I had to get back into it.
I'm majorly behind the eight-ball with this one but the idea of feuding kingdoms and fantasy worlds just really didn't push my buttons. How wrong of me. GOT has to be one of the best TV series I've seen in a long time. The production value on this baby alone is enough to keep you watching but the clever intertwining of stories and plotlines has also been cleverly mastered right until the very end. I can't wait to start season 2.
Who can resist the glamour, the style and the flair of England's most outrageous city. Having cottoned on to the show late last year during season 3, I decided to return to its original roots to see how on earth something like this got started. Another reason was to see Mark Wright who signed off at the end of S3 thus ending my lubricious love affair which he is not aware of in any form.
This was a movie that redefined my teenage experience, made me look at life differently but most importantly, made me realise that everything will be ok. Channel Ten and my favorite production house Southern Star have done an amazing job of converting one of Australia's most iconic movie into a short TV series that has got the whole nation revisiting the days of yore where a "skank" was a "moll", girls were only good for Chiko rolls and an occasional root, and you could guarantee your parents weren't up to much better.
This week, I wanted to give you an idea of which TV shows were currently keeping me occupied/sane in my busy hectic life. Some are local; some are international; some are good; and some are so bad it hurts but you just can't stop watching them. Tell me if you agree with what's featured below.
My love affair with LAO:SVU has spanned a good decade now but I have to admit that it has not always been constant. With the intermittent broadcasts of each season on Channel Ten at different times/days/dates etc I've found it hard to keep up with the latest season. However, when I found out Det. Elliot Stabler had left this "elite squad" for good, I had to get back into it.
I'm majorly behind the eight-ball with this one but the idea of feuding kingdoms and fantasy worlds just really didn't push my buttons. How wrong of me. GOT has to be one of the best TV series I've seen in a long time. The production value on this baby alone is enough to keep you watching but the clever intertwining of stories and plotlines has also been cleverly mastered right until the very end. I can't wait to start season 2.
Who can resist the glamour, the style and the flair of England's most outrageous city. Having cottoned on to the show late last year during season 3, I decided to return to its original roots to see how on earth something like this got started. Another reason was to see Mark Wright who signed off at the end of S3 thus ending my lubricious love affair which he is not aware of in any form.
This was a movie that redefined my teenage experience, made me look at life differently but most importantly, made me realise that everything will be ok. Channel Ten and my favorite production house Southern Star have done an amazing job of converting one of Australia's most iconic movie into a short TV series that has got the whole nation revisiting the days of yore where a "skank" was a "moll", girls were only good for Chiko rolls and an occasional root, and you could guarantee your parents weren't up to much better.