Monday, March 11, 2013

Social Media Predictions 2013

I stumbled across one of Slideshare's most downloaded presentations the other day which just so happened to be an awesome collective of the world's most respected marketers and their opinions on where social is expected to head for 2013. With the document ranging across 18 different slides and covering 3 separate topics, I decided to consolidate some of the schools of thought being considered into this blog post with the option for everyone to read the extended interview in the embedded document too. So, for all you social media nerds out there, here we go:

2013 Predictions Overview
  1. Anita Campbell - @smallbiztrends - Founder, Small Business Trends
    1. Social Media Channel Primed to Grow: Google+
    2. Advice For Brand-Customer Connectivity: Identify the players behind your team.
  2. Ann Handley - @marketingprofs - Chief Content Ocer, MarketingProfs
    1. Social Media Channel Primed to Grow: LinkedIn.
    2. Social Media Behavior You Would Like to See More Of: B2B companies embracing social media tools and platforms.
    3. And Less Of: Social Spam.
  3. Gaurav Mishra - @Gauravonomics - Asia VP of Insights, Innovation & Social, MSLGROUP/ Publicis Groupe
    1. Social Media Channel Primed to Grow: Facebook (older social media platforms)
    2. Advice For Brand-Customer Connectivity: Create social products and platforms that solve a problem or connect around a shared purpose.
  4. Geo Livingston - @geoiving - Author & Marketing Specialist
    1. Advice For Brand-Customer Connectivity: Cultivating online and offline relationships.
    2. Social Media Behavior You Would Like to See More Of: Organic linking and sourcing of information.
    3. And Less Of: Slamming of brands online.
  5. Lee Hopkins - @leehopkins - HopkinsFounder & Social Media Strategist, Better Communication Results
    1. Advice For Brand-Customer Connectivity: Consistent communication of values, insights, discoveries and experiences of organisations over time.
    2. Social Media Behavior You Would Like to See More Of: Businesses taking social seriously.
  6. Lee Odden - @leeodden - CEO & Author, TopRankOnline Marketing
    1. Social Media Channel Primed to Grow: Pinterest, Google+, YouTube.
    2. Social Media Behavior You Would Like to See Less Of: #followfriday; hashtag spam; hashtags use outside of its effective platform (ie. Facebook, cafe blackboards)
  7. Michael Brito - @Britopian - Senior VP of Social Business Planning, Edelman
    1. Advice For Brand-Customer Connectivity: Be human. Use your employees.
    2. Social Media Behavior You Would Like to See More Of: Relevant creative and real time content creation
    3. And Less Of: Overally branded content.
  8. Paul Gillin - @pgillin - Social Media Trainer, Consultant & Author, Profitecture
    1. Social Media Channel Primed to Grow: Myspace, Instagram, Google+
    2. Most Overrated Social Media Metric: Fan and follower numbers. 
    3. Most Underrated Social Media Metric: Engagement metrics (sharing, comments, likes etc).
  9. Philip Sheldrake - @Sheldrake - Managing Partner, Euler Partners
    1. Social Media Behavior You Would Like to See More Of: Active Listening
    2. And Less Of: Flawed metric design.
    3. Most Overrated Social Media Metric: Output metrics uncorrelated to outcome metrics. 
    4. Most Underrated Social Media Metric: Metrics uniquely designed for your company.
  10. Ray Wang - @rwang0 - Principal Analyst & CEO, Constellation Research
    1. Social Media Channel Primed to Grow: Pinterest and private social networks. 
    2. Advice For Brand-Customer Connectivity: Authenticity. 
    3. Social Media Behavior You Would Like to See More Of: Relevancy
    4. Most Overrated Social Media Metric: Share of voice.
    5. Most Underrated Social Media Metric: Interactions.
  11. Rohit Bhargava - @rohitbhargava - Founder & Author, Influential Marketing Group
    1. Social Media Channel Primed to Grow: Slideshare and LinkedIn
    2. Advice For Brand-Customer Connectivity: Being human. 
  12. Shel Israel - @shelisrael - Author & Consultant
    1. Social Media Channel Primed to Grow: The idea of social in general. 
    2. Social Media Behavior You Would Like to See More Of: Conversational interactions.
    3. And Less Of: Incivility (ED: "hear, hear")
    4. Most Overrated Social Media Metric: Likes.
  13. Toby Bloomberg - @TobyDiva - Director Social Media Integration at Cox Media Group Digital & Strategy Team
    1. Social Media Channel Primed to Grow: Pinterest, Tumblr. 
    2. Most Overrated Social Media Metric: Fan and follower numbers.  
    3. Most Underrated Social Media Metric: Quantitative analysis of your fans’ comments.
  14. Valeria Maltoni - @ConversationAge - Author & Senior Director of Strategy, Empathy Lab
    1. Social Media Channel Primed to Grow: Google+
    2. Social Media Behavior You Would Like to See More Of: More active role in value exchange.