Wednesday, August 5, 2009

All Is Not In Vain...

Ok, so, probably not the best day to start an optimist's blog based on daily front page news. Today, I had a choice between the Somali Islamists foiled suicide terrorism raid and the death of a 2 year old girl called Hayley. Naturally, I chose The Herald Sun's coverage of the brutal, violent attack on an innocent infant.

What's that you say? My logic fails you? Yes, I'm not surprised. Most people would probably have chosen the exciting story of the Australian Army valiantly outsmarting the evil Somali Islamists with their wit and skill but my fair readers, I do not want you to think of me as merely a passive optimist. My job is to find the good in even the most terrible of situations, including that of the death of little Hayley.

For those of you who did not read this morning's article on the story, "darling two year-old Hayley" was brutally bashed in her home over one month ago and on Sunday, died as a result of severe brain damage caused by the incident. To make the situation even more tragic, her grandfather has just announced that his step-son, Hayley's father, committed suicide immediately following the charge laid against him regarding the offence. Her grandfather claims her dad was not the culprit.

Heavy stuff. But here's the good news.

Firstly, feel happy and safe in knowing that you live in a perfectly, non-violent family where bashing and violent outbursts are restricted to insults thrown at the footy on a Saturday afternoon. If, however, you do come from a family with a troubled history, take comfort in the fact that as a result of Hayley's death, your life might just become a little bit better.

In today's arcticle, Child Safety Commissioner Bernie Geary has pledged a "frank and fearless" inquiry into the handling of the Hayley's situation with the Child Protection Services. This means the entire system are about to get a kick up their backside. The good news with this is that Australian Child Protection Services will finally receive the overhaul they have so rightly deserved for the past 10 years.
As a result, inquiries into acts of domestic violence and claims of abuse will be taken more seriously so that deaths, like Hayley's, will become a thing of the past.

So, readers, I plead with you. Yes, shed a tear for little Hayley. But remember, that out of every tragedy their is no reason to let death go in vain. Whilst Hayley's death is a sad fact of life when it shouldn't have to be, the good news is that her death has created a major neon signing pointing right at the Child Protection Services saying "This Needs Work". And the major people involved in this issue are now taking notice.

That's all for today readers. Remember, don't worry, be happy!


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