Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Free Movie Tickets

No, I don't have a stash of double passes to giveaway. Rather, I thought I would share my extensive knowledge of Melbourne's best deals when it comes to getting out to the movies. Listed day by day, here is where I would go for less than $20.

Cinema Nova (BEST DEAL):
If you don't know about this yet well then your life is about to get MUCH better. Tickets bought before 4pm are $6 and after 4pm are $9. Boys, best option for a date with a new love (she'll think your romantic while you get to save some dough.)

Event Cinemas:
Every Monday at Event Cinemas students get a fantastic deal of $8. Event cinemas generally have newer releases and more mainstream movies than Nova however, you do need a student card.

Super Tuesdays at Hoyts means every session is just $11

Village Cinemas:
Village also has $11 movies

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday:
Ok, this is a bit of a cop out but these are really not the best days to try and go see a movie. I do however, have a special offer for you if you do need a movie fix. Sign up to Palace Cinemas movie club and you'll receive $10.50 for you and a friend every time you go to the movies, for just $13 a year (student club price). I know, you're probably asking why didn't I mention this before. Well for a start, Palace unfortunately do not have the best range of movies as they are only an independent cinema. But other than that, this really is a great option.

It really helps to be a student (or at least get a mate to come with you who is still a student and who can buy the tickets for you.) Generally, student tickets are at least $5 cheaper than adult tickets so you can save heaps just by using your brain 12 hours a week (I am seriously going to miss these discounts next year.) Other than that, check out these sites for free weekly giveaways for double passes to movies:

Inside Film
What's Playing
Watch Out For


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