2013 Predictions Overview
- Anita Campbell - @smallbiztrends - Founder, Small Business Trends
- Social Media Channel Primed to Grow: Google+
- Advice For Brand-Customer Connectivity: Identify the players behind your team.
- Ann Handley - @marketingprofs - Chief Content Ocer, MarketingProfs
- Social Media Channel Primed to Grow: LinkedIn.
- Social Media Behavior You Would Like to See More Of: B2B companies embracing social media tools and platforms.
- And Less Of: Social Spam.
- Gaurav Mishra - @Gauravonomics - Asia VP of Insights, Innovation & Social, MSLGROUP/ Publicis Groupe
- Social Media Channel Primed to Grow: Facebook (older social media platforms)
- Advice For Brand-Customer Connectivity: Create social products and platforms that solve a problem or connect around a shared purpose.
- Geo Livingston - @geoiving - Author & Marketing Specialist
- Advice For Brand-Customer Connectivity: Cultivating online and offline relationships.
- Social Media Behavior You Would Like to See More Of: Organic linking and sourcing of information.
- And Less Of: Slamming of brands online.
- Lee Hopkins - @leehopkins - HopkinsFounder & Social Media Strategist, Better Communication Results
- Advice For Brand-Customer Connectivity: Consistent communication of values, insights, discoveries and experiences of organisations over time.
- Social Media Behavior You Would Like to See More Of: Businesses taking social seriously.
- Lee Odden - @leeodden - CEO & Author, TopRankOnline Marketing
- Social Media Channel Primed to Grow: Pinterest, Google+, YouTube.
- Social Media Behavior You Would Like to See Less Of: #followfriday; hashtag spam; hashtags use outside of its effective platform (ie. Facebook, cafe blackboards)
- Michael Brito - @Britopian - Senior VP of Social Business Planning, Edelman
- Advice For Brand-Customer Connectivity: Be human. Use your employees.
- Social Media Behavior You Would Like to See More Of: Relevant creative and real time content creation
- And Less Of: Overally branded content.
- Paul Gillin - @pgillin - Social Media Trainer, Consultant & Author, Profitecture
- Social Media Channel Primed to Grow: Myspace, Instagram, Google+
- Most Overrated Social Media Metric: Fan and follower numbers.
- Most Underrated Social Media Metric: Engagement metrics (sharing, comments, likes etc).
- Philip Sheldrake - @Sheldrake - Managing Partner, Euler Partners
- Social Media Behavior You Would Like to See More Of: Active Listening
- And Less Of: Flawed metric design.
- Most Overrated Social Media Metric: Output metrics uncorrelated to outcome metrics.
- Most Underrated Social Media Metric: Metrics uniquely designed for your company.
- Ray Wang - @rwang0 - Principal Analyst & CEO, Constellation Research
- Social Media Channel Primed to Grow: Pinterest and private social networks.
- Advice For Brand-Customer Connectivity: Authenticity.
- Social Media Behavior You Would Like to See More Of: Relevancy
- Most Overrated Social Media Metric: Share of voice.
- Most Underrated Social Media Metric: Interactions.
- Rohit Bhargava - @rohitbhargava - Founder & Author, Influential Marketing Group
- Social Media Channel Primed to Grow: Slideshare and LinkedIn
- Advice For Brand-Customer Connectivity: Being human.
- Shel Israel - @shelisrael - Author & Consultant
- Social Media Channel Primed to Grow: The idea of social in general.
- Social Media Behavior You Would Like to See More Of: Conversational interactions.
- And Less Of: Incivility (ED: "hear, hear")
- Most Overrated Social Media Metric: Likes.
- Toby Bloomberg - @TobyDiva - Director Social Media Integration at Cox Media Group Digital & Strategy Team
- Social Media Channel Primed to Grow: Pinterest, Tumblr.
- Most Overrated Social Media Metric: Fan and follower numbers.
- Most Underrated Social Media Metric: Quantitative analysis of your fans’ comments.
- Valeria Maltoni - @ConversationAge - Author & Senior Director of Strategy, Empathy Lab
- Social Media Channel Primed to Grow: Google+
- Social Media Behavior You Would Like to See More Of: More active role in value exchange.
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