Its amazing what some people will do to get a couple of bucks from this nation's newspaper houses. In today's front page news, the Herald Sun all informed us of how "disgusted" the mother of the woman Wayne Carey admitted to having an affair with, an event which he apparently willingly revealed all details to in his new tell all book ironically entitled "The Truth Hurts".
Now, you're probably wondering what I think could be wrong with a mother wanting to defend her daughter. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with this whatsoever. But when I read this line from Ms Stevens' mother, all I could was laugh -
"It's just his side of the story. How can you know he is telling the truth? It's just his version of the truth''
Isn't it merely her version of the truth we are now hearing? About how innocent her daughter apparently is in this whole scandal? I'm pretty sure from the picture above, it's quite obvious she's not as innocent as mummy dearest would like to think she is.
It really gets my goat when people try to out other people by outing themselves in the exact same way. Ms Stevens' mother is an idiot for going to the tabloids. If you really want to protect your daughter, DON'T GO TELLING THE PRESS ABOUT HOW UPSET YOU ARE!!!!
But i'm not upset. I just find the whole saga incredibly funny, particularly with how much attention it has received this week. Anyway, folks, yet again I hope you have all seen just how silly this story that the news is throwing in our faces each morning. Apart from that, till next time, don't worry. Be happy!
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