Thursday, March 4, 2010

Brainstorming - LUST

Brainstorming: LUST

The Seven Deadly Sins, written during the 5th century is a similar list of sins requiring expiation or forgiveness.

Noun: very strong sexual desire
A powerful desire for something – lust for power.
Verb: have a very strong sexual desire towards someone – he lusted after me for days
Feel a strong desire for something – she was lusting for more ice-cream

Lust is a craving for sexual intimacy, sometimes to the point of assuming a self-indulgent character. Lust, or a desire for the flesh of another, is considered a sin in the three major Abrahamic religions when indulged outside of marriage.

IDEA # 1 – A young woman spends her time writing to an anonymous “Tony” who she daily proclaims her love to over and over. Swooning in her apartment, she becomes ill with the love-sickness we recognize all to well as lust, the cardinal sin which can turn the best of us into balls of dribble. Finally, in the film’s conclusion, we learn that John isn’t who we thought he was all along and that in fact – he is a she/ her dog/dead/a celebrity/shoes

Revised: A woman spends all her time at home waiting to hear from her “lover” Tony. Each day, she takes the time to write in her diary about all the things her and him will do when he arrives – going for walks along the river, going to art exhibitions, the movies etc etc. Gradually, over the period of five days, we can tell that she is slowly losing her mind with the lust. She writes more erratically in her diary, she neglects to feed her cat/put out the rubbish/fill the dishwasher/eat. All the while, still staring out the window. Finally, after falling asleep at the window yet again, she jerks awake at the sound of a car arriving. She rushes to the door as she sees the cab drive off and in a big swooping gesture similar to that of the romance movies of the 1930s, she opens the door and smiles widely at the man who is standing on her doorstep. In his hands lies a large white box. He gently opens the lid so that she can peer at the contents of the box and extracts a Tony Bianco shoe. Kissing it, she whirls around and dances with joy as the camera slowlys pans away from the scene.

Idea #2 – A young woman is at home and sees a man start to walk up her drive with some flowers. She rushes to the door and instead of welcoming him into her arms, she slams it in his face. The man stands at the door calmly then leans against it. The girl slides to the floor on the other side as she listens to him begin to talk. He starts to apologise and say sorry for “cheating” on her. We still as of yet do not know what he has done to make the girl so upset but she begins to cry profusely. She is caught between accepting his apology and upholding her pride. Finally, she speaks and asks him one question “Why?”. Later, we find out he cheated on her with the dog.


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