Monday, May 3, 2010

Giving birth to a child

No, I have not just endured 9 months of gestation to then experience what is apparently described as 10 hours of living hell to produce a wailing, slimy, offspring. My title for this post refers to something Adrian said in this week's lecture about how we should treat our K-Films like children. Something we produce but that ultimately, we can not have any control over how they grow-up and are shaped.

I found this an interesting concept to explore with the K-Films because when you think about it, they really are like children. They're annoying, needy, require constant attention to detail (you'd be considered a bad parent if you hadn't realized your child was walking around with its leg tied to a chair with the skipping rope it was just playing with), and in general, take up a lot of your time. Luckily, the feeding, nursing, maternal side of raising a child can be left in the capable hands of your laptop's CPU so you can take a break for a while if need be by just pressing command-Q.

However, it's when you return to the Korsakow software (your home if you like) and when the babysitters been relieved of her duties, that the tantrums start. Keywords are out of place. Videos you thought linked to other videos are now way off in another cloud. The dimensions of one of your videos is completely out. It seems you're only away for a couple of minutes before all chaos has evolved.

As you've probably noticed, my attitude towards children and raising one is highly biased. I personally can not see how anyone could receive any joy from spending hours upon hours looking after a troublesome, frustrating small person who will probably grow up to be a troublesome, frustrating grownup individual. I think I can honestly say I held the same attitude towards creating a K-Film. Why would somebody go to all the trouble of attempting to control the various creative aspects of a software which is only going to produce a work which you can not control once it has been released unto the wider world?

From talking to all my friends who do want kids eventually, I've realized their is some form of gratification you can receive having raised a child. One, you know that it will and forever be a replication of you and your partner, something you can leave behind in this world for the rest of the world to see. Secondly, it's a guarantee you'll be looked after when you're old and decrepit. Finally, all jail sentences as drug overdoses aside, it's something you can look at later on in life and say with pride "I am so glad I made you". I think all of these can be applied to our K-Films and yes, I do include the second point in this (imagine, if you become famous off of your K-Film, you'd be set for life with the income you receive). I believe by thinking of K-Films in this way, it's easier to let go of the ultimate controllessness you will receive when your film is eventually distributed to the World Wide Web. We can accept that before we hit Export we have done everything in our power to ensure our film will grow-up to be a strong, poignant individual who will received by the global community positively. And if it ends up getting us sued or murdered, well then I can say I told you so.


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