Sunday, May 9, 2010

Product Placement

After having had a quick conversation with Astyn, I seriously thought about all the possibilities that are now open to us by doing a tertiary level student film. Sponsorships, product placement and free stuff are all on the agenda now because we can officially put the RMIT stamp on our film which gives it a greater level of authenticity when approaching companies. These are a couple of things I thought it would be great to ask companies for:

- Food: Catering is one of the most expensive services needed to hire for a film set. The motto I work by is "Good Food=Hard Working Crew Members" so it is essential we have good food on set and lots of it. Luckily, I have my sister coming over from Perth in 2 weeks time so I will be able to put her in charge of that.
-Props/Costume - I still have yet to find companies who would be interested in providing costumes (we might have to pay for these) but I know from experience that many companies can be interested in getting their products featured in films which makes it a lot easier on our art department to find props. In particular, we need beer so are thinking of approaching Australian beer companies for a couple of cartons which we might be able to give to our actors as a thank you afterwards or possibly some money which can go towards the film set. Other props could include the backpack and Stacey's glasses. I was thinking about the TV and set-top box but I'm not sure how well that will go down. I will need to talk to Robin.

I'm not sure how all of this will turn out but based on Astyn's results (where she had over 6 companies agree to cater her set for free), I'm optimistic.


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