Saturday, September 12, 2009

It's about time...

cartoonToday I believe is the first time in about a month where I have actually looked forward to pointing out the positive aspects of one of today's top stories. For those of you who picked up The Age this morning, you all would have seen the MASSIVE photo of a jockey going hell-for-leather at a horse's neck at what we can assume is the last leg of a race. The reason for the photo's prominence was to emphasise the "disruption" caused by the current Australian Jockey Association strike, an inconvenience that apparently is putting the upcoming Spring Carnival in jeapordy.

Oh BOO HOO! Seriously! So what?! So a whole load of swanky V.I.P's can't show off their latest distateful buys from some crappy designer? So the country's most "successful" (code for evil) racing horse owners can't beat up another horse for the next 2 months coz there's no longer a race for it to run? So the state loses a shitload of money which we Melbournians would be better off putting towards our mortgage/car/kids education? Big Deal!

Frankly, I think the latest decision by the Australian Racing Board is the best thing that has ever happened to the industry. For too long, horses have had to suffer intolerably cruelty at the hands of their trainers, owners and riders and not once ever given the proper respect that they deserve.

The new rule in question was introduced on August 1st by the ARB. For those of you who are unaware of its significance on the racing industry, here are the main points:

  • In the last 200 metres, the whip can be used only three times, and this must be in consecutive strides. The whip must not be raised above the shoulder.

  • Before the 200 metre mark, a full whipping motion can be used no more than five times.

  • Whips must be padded.

  • Previously there was no restriction on the number of times a horse could be whipped.

Jockeys claim that the introduction of these new rules "threaten their safety". According to Australian Jockey Association chief executive Paul Innes, apparently all the jockeys were after was "a bit of common sense". Common sense? Common sense?! What amount of logic is involved in believing that a horse would want to become involved in something that results in them being left in a stall, brusied, beaten and broken from running all day around a frickin' race track? None. Absolutely none. The jockeys who honestly believe that this sort of attitude is ok obviously don't care about the horses they ride otherwise they wouldn't do it.

Frankly, with an industry that is overrun with hideous stories about druggings, horrible surgical procedures and corruption, its a breath of fresh air to finally hear that the industry may have some moral fibre. The horses are no longer suffering more than necessary AND the jockeys finally have to use their BRAINS (yes i know they're small but they are there) instead of their braun to get the horse over the finishing line first.

I don't know about you lot but if you're as passionate about animals as I am and if the strike does prove to reverse the introduction of these rules than I hope you will all send personal letters to the chairman of the ARB, Bob Bentley, complaining about how daft this act would be.
Anyway, let's just pray and hope this never comes to light. Until then, don't worry! Be happy!


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