Saturday, March 27, 2010


To ability to produce something completely new and original in the 21st century is almost impossible. For whatever reason, we have developed so quickly we are now turning around in circles trying to figure out where the next exciting new direction is.

This applies most acutely to the screenwriting industry where even our teachers have said "Don't try to be original" meaning it'll only be another version of something that already exists. This statement is extremely true which is what's sad. However, I looked at that more as a challenge rather than permission to admit defeat.

To help me with my mission, I looked at a couple of different texts which I knew dealt with the issue of infidelity. The movies Fatal Attraction and Unfaithful were the two that sprung to mind. I watched both to gain a bit of insight into how you would write the ultimate confrontation that occurs in these types of films.

Honestly though, I realised that neither film was particularly helpful in illustrating the type of conflict that would occur when one individual finds out his partner is cheating on him whilst IN FRONT of the other man.

I then decided to just have a stab at writing the scene based on my experiences of conflict when I have spotted somebody lying to me which is ultimately what this scene is about - Sally has been lying to both Matt and Simon about there being another man either by ommitting the truth or just simply lying about the multiple flowers and presents that litter her house.

I hope the end result is believable as I'd hate to hand it in only to have Christine turn around and say something like "Why would the characters do that though?". It would honestly be my worst nightmare.


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