Tuesday, March 16, 2010

RSS In Plain Bullshit

One of this week's main readings was the short animation by Leeler Feeler on the Common Craft website. In it, he defines the forever frustrating RSS or Really Simple Syndication system (no i'm not kidding. that is actually the full name of RSS). He explains that RSS is the way in which YOU can be notified about new stuff that appears on your favourite websites like news.com.au or maxshop.com. Apparently, the system was designed to reduce the time people took to check whether or not new stuff had been posted on their favourite websites.

Now, this is the problem I have with this. First of all, I don't want a hundred and one emails every single day just because I subscribed to news.com.au which changes like every 2 seconds. Secondly, and this is the biggest piss-off for me is that it is just another way for humans yet again to make their lives "easier" and therefore more acceptable to be lazy.

Think about it. In the video, they say why waste valuable time going to the websites to check up on what's new when you can just have that information sent to you in the form of an update on your reader (a website which basically collects all the new posts telling you new stuff is on your favourite sites). Maybe I don't want a computer doing everything for me? Or maybe I actually enjoy taking 5 minutes out of my day to identify what is new on my favourite website. I just love the way all those internet geeks come up with shit which they think is going to benefit the world and really, it's just a load of bullshit.

To RSS, Australia says no!


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