Friday, May 21, 2010

Shoot # 1

WOW! I had absolutely no idea my crew and I had it in use to accomplish as much as we did tonight! Before I get too carried away though, I’ll fill you in a little on what has happened in the last 24 hours of my life.

Starting with an 8am rise to clean the entire house, I then went on to ensure every prop and object featured in the film was where it was supposed to be. The equipment was already neatly arranged so that all that had to happen was once everyone had arrived, it just needed setting up. That happened around 1pm when Louise arrived with her sister Patricia. We setup the lights, made sure none would blow the fuses, and also set up for our first shot. Arthur was due to arrive later on at about the same time as Luke because he had a tute until 3pm so we wanted to make sure we were completely on top of everything by the time he arrived.

At 3:15, Luke arrived a little earlier than I would have liked but we worked around that with Patricia getting straight into his make up(it seems actors always panic about not being on set early so they make an even bigger exception to get there super early even though the AD has normally arranged the shooting schedule so that they are there when we need them.) From there, it was just a little wait until Arthur arrived and from then on, it was full steam ahead. We managed to get the entire first scene setup and shot in under an hour and a half – that’s over 10 of the shots featured in the film and 6 setups! From there we had an amazing feast of pizza, Subway sandwiches, fruit and nuts and a good break before we tackled the remaining 22 shot setups.

Surprisingly, we had nothing to worry about. As predicted, most of the shots that were close-ups only took 2 minutes each to film which meant we got through the 22 setups really quickly. This was definitely due to Arthur’s efficient shooting style which mostly consisted of him lugging the huge camera on his should whilst focusing in super-speed mode. After a while though, I could tell Luke was getting bored with playing Sit-There-And-Be-Silent so we got stuck into one of the longer running shots. It was great that he had a theatre background because like Lara, we required him to run through a number of his lines before cutting. I liked this approach to the filming a lot better because it was definitely obvious that at the beginning of many of our takes Luke was only just warming up to the scene. By running through the scene and filming from various start points, we managed to cover the entire film with Luke in full swing throughout all the shots.

All up, I was really, really happy with today. Both Paul and Robin said I should alter my shooting schedule to allow more time for the 29 setups that we did today but I definitely think I proved to them that we were more than capable of getting these shots done in the time frame we had (8 hours and 30 minutes.)

Hopefully tomorrow night will fare just as well.


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