Sunday, May 30, 2010

SKFF Closing Night!

So after 25 hours of volunteering, 70 short films and a thousand flyers later, I've finally finished my stint at SKFF. I actually had the best time and it was such a nice break from the hectic running around for the film which was slowly taking over my life. I also realised this week how much I missed going to the cinema. For a brief period about 2 weeks ago, I was watching a film almost every second day and then obviously, it all just became way too hard with our own film. I know now it's important to keep up to date with what's happening in cinema and to make sure I get to see what others are doing in film. Call it research if you like. Either way, the Closing Ceremony for SKFF was a really nice way to cap off an awesome week. For a start, one of my favorite films won Best Animation, the Craft Award, and Best Achievement in Screenplay which has really inspired me to produce a film worthy of recognition. I hope our film has the same potential to be entered into a competition - I'm getting a bit sick and tired of stuff which has a little bit too much wrong with it to be worthy of a prize.

Anyway, the night was basically set up like a mini-Oscars. Each category was introduced along with the presenter who would be announcing the award (usually the sponsor of the prize) and then the films nominated had little snippets played before the award was announced. The whole night was an absolute blast, from having Kenny (Shane Jacobson) as host to the bizarre 80s comeback of the music played when winners walked up to the podium. All in all, a fantastic night and I am definitely going to be right and ready to work hard for our little film when editing starts this week.


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